Data Envelopment Analysis-based Scenario Selection for Sequencing Pattern in a Simulated Robotic Cell

Keywords: Data envelopment analysis, Part sequencing, Robotic cell, Scenario design, Simulation


In this study, the performance of suggested scenarios for part input sequences in a 3-machine robotic cell producing different parts is determined through the application of data envelopment analysis (DEA) and the Banker–Charnes–Cooper model. A single gripper robot supports the manufacturing process by loading and unloading products and moving them inside the system. This study addresses random machine failures and repairs to minimize cycle time based on two robot move cycles in a three-machine robotic cell and overall production costs. Here, simulation assists in the modeling of uncertainty and a simulation-based optimization approach is applied to find the best scenarios for sequencing patterns in the cell through several numerical examples using DEA. The results displayed that, efficient scenarios satisfying minimum time and cost, are those, in which the percentages of operations assigned to the machines are close to each other. This enables decision-makers in manufacturing systems to make precise selections of the optimal part sequencing pattern with the lowest production cost and cycle time for robotic cells.


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Author Biographies

Bahareh Vaisi, Young Researchers and Elite Club, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Bahareh Vaisi received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in the field of industrial engineering from Kurdistan University and Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch, and her Ph.D. degree from the School of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch (IAU-STB). She is a member of the Young Researchers and Elite Club in the Islamic Azad University. Her main research areas are multi-objective optimization, scheduling, system simulation, and data envelopment analysis.

Hiwa Farughi, Department of Engineering, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran

Hiwa Farughi is a Professor at the University of Kurdistan.  He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Amir Kabir University of Technology in 1998 and 2000, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2012. His research interest topics include quality control and reliability engineering, production planning, and operations research applications in health care.

Sadigh Raissi, School of Industrial Engineering, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Sadigh Raissi is a Professor working at the School of Industrial Engineering, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch (IAU-STB). He received his industrial engineering Ph.D. degree from IAU- Science & Research Branch in 2002, Tehran, Iran. He has been engaged in many industrial engineering technology developments through consulting from 1988 up to the present. His main research fields are quality & reliability engineering, system simulation, and statistical methods in engineering.


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How to Cite
Vaisi, B., Farughi, H. and Raissi, S. (2024) “Data Envelopment Analysis-based Scenario Selection for Sequencing Pattern in a Simulated Robotic Cell”, ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY, 12(2), pp. 139-147. doi: 10.14500/aro.11668.