Efficient and Simplified Modeling for Kerosene Processing Quality Detection Using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis Regression

Keywords: Supervised discrimination technique, Modeling, Kerosene processing, Quality control, PLS-DA, Machine learning tool


Kerosene from various refineries and crudes is used for heating and other purposes in many countries like Iraq; therefore, it is important to identify its source to recognize and tax any adulteration. In this study, a fast classification technique for kerosene marketed in Iraq was developed with the goal of identifying its quality. The samples were categorized using a supervised partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) approach. Multivariate analyses using agglomerative hierarchal clustering and principal component analysis were utilized to identify outliers and sample dissimilarities. The dataset was divided into calibration and prediction sets. The prediction set was used to evaluate the model’s separation performance. The Q2 cross-validation was applied. The PLS-DA models achieved significant accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity, showing strong segregation ability, notably for the calibration set (100% accuracy and 1.00 sensitivity). It was found that kerosene processing can be classified rapidly and non-destructively without the need for complicated analyses, demonstrating the best results for classification even when compared with the classification outcomes of other fuels. This PLS-DA approach has never been looked at before for process quality detection, and the results are comparable to direct kerosene classification with soft independent modeling of class analogy and support vector machines.


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Author Biographies

Hayder M. Issa, Department of Chemistry, University of Garmian, Kalar, Sulaymaniyah Province, 46021,Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq

Hayder M. Issa is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Garmian. He got the B.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering (University of Baghdad in 1993), the M.Sc. degree in Chemical Engineering (University of Baghdad in 1996) and the Ph.D. degree in Process and Environmental Engineering (University of Toulouse 3, France in 2013). His research interests are in Process Modeling and Simulation, Oil and Gas Processing, Water and Wastewater Plant Design, and Environmental Processing. Dr. Hayder is a member of Iraqi Engineers Union, Kurdistan Engineers Society, and Kurdistan Physicists and Chemists Society.

Rezan H. Hama Salih, Department of Chemistry, University of Garmian, Kalar, Sulaymaniyah Province, 46021,Kurdistan Region – F.R. Iraq

Rezan H. Hama Salih is a Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Garmian. She got the B.Sc. degree in Chemistry (University of Garmian in 2013), the M.Sc. degree in Organic Chemistry (University of Salaheddin-Erbil in 2016). Her research interests are in Organic Synthesis, Hydrocarbon Functional Groups, and Oil and Gas. Mrs. Rezan is a member of Kurdistan Physicists and Chemists Society.


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How to Cite
Issa, H. M. and Hama Salih, R. H. (2024) “Efficient and Simplified Modeling for Kerosene Processing Quality Detection Using Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis Regression”, ARO-THE SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF KOYA UNIVERSITY, 12(1), pp. 135-142. doi: 10.14500/aro.11515.